- California Governor Order N-38-20. Tenant Date to Respond to Eviction Actions Extended
- California Governor Order N-28-20. Authority for Local Jurisdictions to Limit Evictions
- City of Sacramento Emergency “No Eviction” Ordinance 3/24/2020
- San Francisco City/County Executive Order Limits Commercial Evictions
- Updated Chart – AGAGLA Chart of Los Angeles County and Cities within County Temporary Eviction Moratorium (as of April 7, 2020).
Note: The Apartment Association of Greater Los Angeles, has provided the above “updated chart” for 27 jurisdictions in their coverage region. The AAGLA chart, while dated April 9, 2020, does not include changes made after April 7, including changes by City of Glendale (12-months to pay back-rent due after emergency ends, and no proof required of Covid-19 event until after any back-due rent has been paid) and changes in Santa Monica (Tenant right to prevent Landlord entry for repairs). With all charts on the rent moratorium, they become progressively outdated, even as they are being completed, as there are changes hourly among the hundreds of California communities. Landlords are strongly urged to check weekly for updates in local communities, including pending hearings and proposals.
For further information and assistance, please do not hesitate to contact our office.