I. Purpose.
On March 19, 2020, Gavin Newsom issued Executive Order N-33-20 proclaiming a State of Emergency under California law as a result of the threat of COVID-19 (the “Executive Order” or “Stay-at-Home Order”). The Stay-at-Home Order requires compliance with the directive of the State Public Health Officer as found at https// The Executive Order is consistent with the directives and order(s) of Sacramento County.
The health and safety of the staff and employees of _______________________ (“Company”) is our first and foremost priority in ___________________’s efforts to respond to the State of Emergency resulting from the threat of the Coronavirus (“COVID-19”). Therefore, the ____________________ has put into place this Emergency Telework Policy (“Policy”).
II. Exemption from Stay at Home Order.
Pursuant to the terms of the Stay-at-Home Order, Essential Businesses include: i) professional services firms, including law firms, that assist in compliance with legally mandated activities and critical sector services; and ii) businesses that provide consumer access to banking and lending services, and who support financial operations (“Exemption”).
III. Policy.
- Notwithstanding the Exemption, all Employees, particularly those employees over the age of sixty five (65), or High Risk as defined by the CDC, that are able to perform their duties remotely are encouraged to do so.
- If some, but not all of your duties can be performed on a telework basis, subject to coordination and approval of your supervisor, you are encouraged to allocate your time between the office and home.
- While in the office, all employees shall engage is Social Distancing and other techniques as mandated by CDC, the California Department of Public Health or similar agency.
- Employees are not expected to purchase their own office supplies or necessary equipment. Please provide sufficient advance notice to ____________________ regarding your needs due to shipping delays experienced by our vendors.
- ___________________ is providing Emergency Sick Leave and Expanded Family and Medical Leave consistent with federal law, for those employees who qualify:
By signing below, I acknowledge that i) I understand the serious risks of COVID-19 and the risk of exposure; ii) I am aware that risk of exposure is greater if I come into the office; iii) I will perform my duties in a manner consistent with the Exemption and this Policy.
Dated: _________ __, 2020
Signed: _____________________________